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V E Day Celebrations in Pelsall
Based on my research over the years it is clear that the people of Pelsall have always been keen to celebrate and mark special occasions. Ordinarily, this year would probably have resulted in special celebrations to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day on 8th May, however due to Covid-19 the situation has changed dramatically.
The following article illustrates some of our former V E Day celebrations.
Following the end of WWI Pelsall villagers took to the streets to celebrate. The photograph below shows villagers walking through the village centre to celebrate the end of the war.

Above and below: Peace parades in Pelsall Village following the First World War
Photographs copyright A Bates - Pelsall Times

Left: V E Day Celebrations in Ash Tree Road, Pelsall in 1945
These photographs were loaned to Pelsall Times by Mr Cowley
Left: Mr Reynolds of 86, Mr Rowley of 83, Margaret Lloyd of 84 and Mrs Reynolds
Opposite Left from Front:
Mrs Morris, Mr Les Smith, Mrs Fellows
Right from Front:
Mrs Miller, Mrs Lever (with glasses), Mrs Cowley

Left from Front:
Jean Lotwick, Jean Hancox, Cath Morris
Right from Front:
?, Mary Cooper, Joyce Cooper
Adults Right from Front:
Mrs Cooper, Mrs Broadhurst, Mrs Brown, Mrs Blakemore, Miss Kelly
Left from Front:
Violet Lever, Joyce Cooper,?, Miss Till (standing)
Right from Front:
Madge Cooper, Mr Cowley, Len Cooper, Jean Rose
Adults Right from Front:
Mrs Miller, Mrs Morris, Mrs Blakemore, Margaret Lloyd, Mrs Kelly

V E Day Celebrations on Mouse Hill, Pelsall in 1945
Mr Hartshorne (Jazz band), Irene Birch, Peter Hall, Margaret Stackhouse, June Brookes, June and Sheila Farmer, Louis Hulse, Fred Stackhouse, Malcolm and Floss Brookes, Gordon Hartshorne, Jean Lowbridge, Eddie Hulse, June Turner, Mr Rochelle, John Hartshorne (Jazz band), Jack Rochelle, Fred Deakin, Mr Beckett, Raymond Brassington, Jimmy Evans, Michael Clarke, John Beckett, David and Anne Brassington, Erica Clarke, Alan Birch, Jeffrey Deakin, Ronny Carpenter
Photograph copyright A Bates - Pelsall Times

Richard Croome and Mrs Croome standing in front of the V E Day Bonfire on Pelsall Common in 1945
Photograph copyright A Bates - Pelsall Times

V E Day Celebrations at the Church Hall on 8th May 2004 - Cllr Garry Perry can be seen to the right in the photograph above Photograph copyright A Bates - Pelsall Times
The windows of the Church Hall had been criss-cross taped and there was an old fashioned mobile chip van parked outside the front of the building.
The room was decorated with union jacks and songs of the era could be heard.
Entertainment was supplied by Jill Daniels, who wore and army uniform on stage, and Kier Edwards. Everyone in the hall was joining in with the songs and waving their flags, many of whom were wearing 1940's costume. All then stood for Land of Hope and Glory.

Photographs above and below copyright A Bates - Pelsall Times

The fund raising event was organised by the Pelsall Pride Partnership and from the onset, interest in the event was great and tickets were in high demand, selling out quickly.
Volunteers were asked to decorate the Church Hall. To polish off the evening, there was an abundance of union jacks on hand and a fish and chip supper courtesy of the mobile fish bar outside.

There were around 160 people at the event and a total of £500 was raised which helped with funding items such as the village Christmas lights.
It was a fabulous and fun evening and an innovative way of fund raising.
Photographs above and below copyright A Bates - Pelsall Times

The late Cllr Cath Micklewright
If you would like to share your memories of your V E Day Celebrations or send in your photographs, I would be delighted to hear from you.
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